Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Has anyone else found some friends hard to deal with since having kids?

Everyone has different ideas about childrearing, but I hadn't realised how radically different until we all started having children!

How do you deal with friends who have very different ideas to you about how to bring up children?Has anyone else found some friends hard to deal with since having kids?
Well it depends on whether that friend is trying to disrupt the way you raise your children or not. I have a few ex friends that were trying to interrupt me while i was disciplining my children to put their two sense in i had to tell them if they want to raise their children that way that's fine but do not interrupt me while i am disciplining my own eventually i had to stop inviting them over. I also have a friend that has no children and has tried to impart his child rearing wisdom on my self and my hubby and at times we had to ask him to leave our house (thank goodness he lives far far away and only comes to visit once a year) all I do is explain how as i respect the way you raise your children i would expect the same from you when it comes to me and mine .Has anyone else found some friends hard to deal with since having kids?

I have had children for the past 18 years, also, my best friend (among others) has children..

I am not one to force my children to hang out with my friends children... I let them choose their own friends.

And although my friends choose to raise their children different, I don't care, as long as they don't hurt the children.

I still get along with my friends even though I don't have much time to hang out with them any more.

Good Luck
You learn to smile and make no comment.
as long as they do not try to discipline your kids leave it be, now you know why teachers want better pay- to deal with this- can you imagine 30 kids with different ideals stuck for 6 hours a day together!!

if their kids hurt your kids mention it if it doesn't improve tell them your will not tolerate your kids being hurt if it continues leave, you soon gravitate toward other parents with similar ideals as you especially if your kids are school age- it may be harder if they are younger.
I have lots of friends with kids and I have 2 of my own. It can be hard watching your friends do something with their kids, that you dont agree with or think they are doing wrong. Saying that they might be thinking the same about you and your kids.

At the end of the day you have to respect eac other and the fact that you are going to have a difference of opinion when it comes to bringing up the kids. As long as the kids arent being abused in anyway, you have to learn to smile and make no comment.

I work on the theory that I wouldnt like somebody poking their nose with their opinions on how I should raise my kids, so I wouldnt dream of doing that to anyone else. And if they I politely and calmly tell them to mind their own business as I havent made a judgement on thier parenting skills. Its quite funny really because they dont know what to say to that, because I havent been rude, but I have pointed out that I dont appreciate their words.
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