it seems like i have terrible luck with friends, i tend to put in the effort but they dont put in the effort.
i can deal with that. the hard thing i cant deal with is not thinking about them, or thinking to myself why did they do this etc.
i know life moves on im 20 im not stupid just i dont have any friends anymore, im lonely and i just dont know why this happens to me alotHow to deal with losing friends, who dont make the effort?
better lonely than with friends like that instead of thinking of these losers think of yourself take classes , develop a hobby , do smth for your futureHow to deal with losing friends, who dont make the effort?
I'm in the same boat as you and just a year older.
There was a guy I really really liked, he was even flirting with me! I casually asked if he wanted to hang out sometime, I meant it as a friend, but would be open to something more.
A phone call and a text...and he doesn't even bother to reply to either.
One thing to consider is do your friends seem introverted/shy/sociophobic?
Some people just don't make the effort and/or they don't realize how their actions come off.
I have another friend who I hear from once a month. We go see a band, hang out, and that's it.
I don't know, I can't figure people out either. Just so you know you're not alone.
i honestly think that when someone puts too much effort into being a friend or i guess trying to make friend,
it gives others the feeling that they are too desperate. sorry
it is great that you want to be a good friend, but you are trying way too hard it seems.
don't put so much effort into something that you, well, obviously know, that you aren't going to be given the same in return.
i would suggest playing it cool for a while. just go solo for a while and see what happens. i know not having someone to talk to is lonesome, but putting to much effort into trying to make your friends happy is
Happens to pretty much everyone at some point. Just keep doing activities you like and be courteous and friendly to people. Don't try TOO hard though. If people sense that you are desperate to be your friend they will usually be turned off by it (strange but true). Just know that friends will eventually reveal themselves to you and don't be afraid to start conversations and talk to people whose company you enjoy. think about it the other way around, make other people want to earn your friendship. don't sweat it, you'll be fine.
its their loss..not yours..keep movn on
well what do you mean by effort. a friend is someone you can trust for support. someone you can rely on for little things and big things. it shouldn't be a strain if it its that's not friendship. I could an effort like calling someone up ';yo let's play this game i got'; or ';Yo lets go watch this new movie we both wanna check out'; but is any more than that all that nescesary. Were dude we go where the fun is at. whatever that may be.
Basically im saying don't sweat it and don't overthink it. Also have ya taken a look at american society. we aint got no manners lol. they probably don't know what to do a majority of us dont have social skills. if you got them your ahead of the game.
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