Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do I deal with my friend, she got pregnant on purpose because of her friends and is selfish and immature?

My friend has been with her husband for a total of 2 years, and has been miserable since day one. In fact 3 months ago she asked him officially for a divorce but changed her mind because her ';vows before God.';

She is 24 and found out me and her other good friend are pregnant. She was very jealous and said she wanted a baby too. So she purposely got pregnant even though her marriage is rocky at best.

I am so frustrated with her and her selfish actions. I almost want to cut her off! She causes so many problems in her own life by being an immature brat and it stresses me out to hear about it all of the time.

Should I just distance myself from her? She told me she plans to take her baby with her to house parties and bars so they can drink with their friends.

I just don鈥檛 agree with her lifestyle or parenting skills. My husband refuses to hang out with them because of all their problems and fighting.

Is it time for me to move on from the friendship?How do I deal with my friend, she got pregnant on purpose because of her friends and is selfish and immature?
I'd say it's time for you to move onHow do I deal with my friend, she got pregnant on purpose because of her friends and is selfish and immature?
Who gives a toss about god - this is why America are so brainwashed nowadays. God dont fu c k i ng exist!

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don't put yourself through that stress. shes a bit rediculous, and there is no reason to stay friends or even aquantinces w/ someone if they are going to act childish.
You already know the answer to your question.

But if you are still not sure, ask yourself this, Do I want to hang around with a shallow person?

I feel so sorry for your friends baby, what a nightmare.

Just start being unavailable and eventually she will move on. You don't have to actually tell her you are not friends anymore, just don't call her and meet with her.

If she calls don't answer the phone and don't return messages.

If you want to give her sound advice tell her that marriage takes alot of work on the part of both people and having a baby is a huge responsibility, there will be no partying, me time or anything of the sort - life as you know it dies when you have a child - and you are reborn as a new person, at the birth you become a Mom.
tell her to go to counseling. get rid of her as a friend. she is not a good friend for anyone in life, she is psycho at best. only desperate disgusting people do that and to affect her unborn child is what is the worst part. counseling is good for her, although I don't think anyone will change the way she is. move on
I would because she will just end up bring you and your family down with her. Pray for that poor baby that before its born, she will grow up some and give the baby a chance at a good life. Good luck and congrats on your baby.
Ask yourself this very important question: Will you be losing anything crucial to your survival if you cut ties? Or will you be gaining your own self-respect and happiness back? Some people cannot and will not change. If you choose to be her friend through all her careless ways, are you ready to lose yourself in the bargain? Perhaps the only way you can be a good friend in this situation is to not be her friend, so that she understands you are against her immaturity and possibly dangerous and negligent parenting skills. Also, you should understand that there are plenty of other people in the world who are on the same maturity level as you and will be much better friends for you.
i would distance myself, she sounds very don't decide to have children because all your friends are. Your friends will not be there raising the child for the next 18 plus yrs. If i thought there was a chance i would want to divorce my husband the last thing i would do would try to get pregnant! If i was you i would just go on with your life, if she calls be friendly but you don't have to agree to hang out and if she asks about why you are diffrently, be honest and tell her you think she is need to be around people who have a good infulence on your life and she is not having a good infulence! So hang out with postive couples, don't let her drag you down !! Good Luck!
I would move on from that friendship.
You can see the tracks are missing, so why are you waiting around for the train to derail? Get away before she drags you into that impending wreck with her - you've got your own family to think about and deal with.
yes it's time for you to cut your ties. my friend Stacey is the same way. I'm pregnant with my second daughter due april 23rd and she all the sudden became pregnant and is due april 18th. she pisses me off so i told her that i wish her all the luck in the world but i needed to focus on my babies. she got mad and said that it was because of my fiance that i was acting this way because him and her have never gotten along which is not the case so i told her that she was just obnoxious and that i wanted my space. i don't suggest you end it this way but you gotta be honest.
Always choose your friends based on their character. Not just because their nice or fun or if you've been friends forever.

If shes not a good person in your eyes.. distance yourself.

She sounds very destructive, to herself her baby and you don't need that stress.

Surround yourself with good positive friends.

Most of us have crazy family to deal with we don't need to pick friends like that too!


Good Luck with your baby!
The best thing you can do is stay out of her life. She is a grown woman and can make her own decesions. You dont need to strees yourself out now that you are pregnant. You have been a friend for her and have done all you can. She has to learn on her own. The best way to stand is to fall on your face first and that is whats going to happen to her.
when the baby is born she wont want to party. she needs marriage counseling. any marriage can be saved if both sides are willing to get help. dont distance your self from her she is gonna need support through all of this changes be there for her no matter what
if you feel its the right time to move on then do so. keeping a friendship that you don't want will just cause more stress to you and right now you dont need that. hopefully she will learn once she has the baby what being a mother is all about. good luck to you.
I agree. I would definitely distance myself from her and feel sorry for her. I wouldn't completely end the friendship, she has issues and is very lucky to have a friend like you.
doesnt sound like a good healthy friendship. She make wrong decisions. I would distance myself from her.
I feel sorry for the baby that she's bringing into the world. What a mess! Definitely drop them from your friendship list and go with your husband's POV.....they're not worth the drama and stress. Sounds like you've matured and she hasn't. Bring people into your life who are positive, nuturing, and hold values the same as you.
distance yourself, but let her know if she needs help or advice you will be there as a friend.
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