Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do you deal with your friends very rude children who are younger than 10?

One of my best friends has a 7 year old daughter and 9 year old son. they can both be very rude to me, say very rude things about me and to me. I want to know what is the best way to handle these situations without hurting my friend or the kids. The 9 year old boy is especially rude, and it has become increasly frustrating to me. Help!How do you deal with your friends very rude children who are younger than 10?
avoidance is really the BEST alternative.How do you deal with your friends very rude children who are younger than 10?
Maybe you should not ask how to handle them, you should find out what causes this. The two kids can't possibly blabber out things together. Maybe you had unintentionally offended them? In a way you took their sweets or something and they are no happy etc. Or one sad thing is, because your best friend is not happy with you sometimes, and he badmouth infront of his kids, and then the kids think you are a baddie thats why they scold you. =[
You need to talk to your friend about the children and not in front of the children. Let the parent know they are hurting your feelings and you would like them to be more respectful in your home. You would not want your own children thinking it is okay to be rude.
make those kids respect u. tell them u don't appreciate their disrespect. if the mom is not saying anything to them, then u will need to stand up for yourself. if she gets mad because u got mad that her kids are rude to u, then she is not a friend.
One of my favorite responses is: That was inappropriate. If it continues tell them to stop, that whatever it is that they are saying is hurting your feelings and you don't appreciate it. Most kids will back down...if they don't then I would look directly at them, tell them that you think they are being rude and that you won't put up with it anymore and leave. Then (privately at another time or later on) you tell your friend that you would love to spend time with him/her but without the children around. I would hope that any sane parent could see that their children are being rude and put a stop to it. Good luck!
Well threre just little and i have a friend whos little sister is supe rude to me well just dont let someone who is younger than you take charge. Dont take it to the heart, laugh and say your funny or yeaa i amm your right or whatever...sho him/her whos boss and dont let it get to you sooner or later he or she will finally give up
LOL...I know what you're talking about. If she's your friend then she'll know you're not being mean. Most of the time, they KNOW that their kids are rude. And tell her she needs to talk to them.

But a 7 and 9 year old are old enough for you to talk to them too. In a nice way. Just say to them that their behaviour is not nice and you don't appreciate it and they should show you respect as an older person to them.
When they say that to you, you can reply with ';Wow, that's very rude to ask/say. Perhaps it would be better if you asked/said this instead.';

This way, you are:

1. Non-violent

2. Non-threatening to mom

3. Showing him how he SHOULD act, instead of belittling him on how he shouldn't.

If their mother gets uncomfy with that, then tough. You deserve respect from your friends, as well as your friend's children. If you don't speak up, your friend may think you accept that type of behavior and will see no need to change.
It is possible to set expectations and boundaries with someone else's kids. You may say something like, ';I'm an adult,and I wish that you speak to me respectfully.'; Call them on it every time they don't. Frankly, you're doing the kids a favor to insist on appropriate treatment . If their parents could command this kind of respect, they probably would. If they don't like your expectations, they might express some of their own, or the friendship might end. No great loss, in my opinion.
You know it's funny you ask this question. One of my best friends son is 6 yrs. old and so is my son. They are 9 months apart. He runs over her no problem. However, when he comes to my house and starts calling her names, or disrespects me....I call him on it. I don't yell. I change the tone of my voice, look him in the eyes and tell him to knock his crap off and not to be doing it in my house. If he wants to be a butt around me I can find many cures. I've even scrapped soap on his teeth. One thing is for sure...You need to be strong and don't take their crap. Also, don't speak to them like a baby. They are trying to act grown-up and see how far they can push it.

If your friend says something to you about it. Be straight-up...The truth hurts, but she needs to open her eyes.

Good Luck!
Tell them that they are not allowed over to your home. If they are rude to you explain to their parents that you do not find their behavior acceptable and you would appreciate it if she would work with them.
Speak to him like a child. You're the elder. Simply say that he's being rude and shouldn't speak to adults that way. Don't yell, don't snap, just say it calmly and plainly. Your friend will probably chime in and tell her children to obey you.
After thinking about this, maybe it's time to speak to your friend and bring up your concerns about their behavior. Rude behavior does have negative consequences. Since these kids are kids, their behavior can be changed. Any idea what brings on the rude behavior? Are they upset? I would continue asking questions and trying to find possible answers. Maybe you can just be a positive influence. I wouldn't take anything they say to heart because they are kids and don't realize what they are doing.

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