that are fast talkers when defensive? I have a good friend who whenever confronted about something because severely stressed , begins talking a mile a minute, and refuses to let you get a word in edgewise. Usually if I bring something up to this friend that that is bothering me, I try to do it in a very gentle way knowing her typical reaction, but before I can even voice the problem she becomes extremely defensive. How do you deal with people like this? I usually have to wind up backing down with whatever I was going to say, or even take back what I said and I wind up apologizing for mentioning it, just to get her to shut up. Any advise here? Our families are friends, kids and all, so I don't want to just go off on her as I can only imagine what insanities she would bring to our lives if I did. Some mature pointers would be appreciated.How do you deal with friends....?
my best friend is exactly like that. she will be defensive if you try to tell them they did something wrong. tell them how it's effecting others or yourself and they might feel partially guilty. it worked for me. get a bunch of people to tell her the same thing, maybe she'll start getting the picture.
just accept that that is the type of person she is.
tell her she is too defensive and its hard to deal with when you want to tell the truth.How do you deal with friends....?
If she is talking and won't let you talk to her just sit and listen until she is done then explain to her that you have something important to say and she needs to hear it because you are just trying to help. And if that doesn't work i'm sorry but I have to do that to my friends to.
just wait them out they have to shut up sometime. strangle them put duct tape on their mouth.
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