Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you deal with friends who joke about things in your personal life that make you feel uncomfortable?

You talk to them and try to get them to stop and they get mad or say you're too sensitive. You try to ignore it, they continue. You try to laugh it off so it doesn't become a big deal and make everything tense and they just continue and become more bold.

I have one friend in particular who does this quite a bit, joking about family, people I've liked (and been rejected by) etc. I've tried all of the above.

But this has also been a problem with previous friends as well when I wouldn't join in to joke around about past sexual partners and things of that nature. I wouldn't be so uncomfortable about it if they at least were careful about who they were around when joking in this way. I can let go with friends I trust, but not in front of colleagues or practical strangers.

I find myself basically shutting down and not going into personal territory so that they don't have the ammunition. Sometimes I wonder if this is cultural. It seems like most of my friends who have an immigrant background tend to be better about keeping the personal personal.How do you deal with friends who joke about things in your personal life that make you feel uncomfortable?
If they're making you feel uncomfortable, they shouldn't be your friends.How do you deal with friends who joke about things in your personal life that make you feel uncomfortable?
happens to me all the time. this one girl makes fun of me because I breakout alot on my nose and forhead and she makes me unconfirtible too. I stopped hanging out with her but that didn't stop her somy advice is to tell her this'; can we not talk about this let's talk about _______'; u fill in the blank.

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