Stand up to them and tell them that they set you up so they can grow up and get over it. If they don't get over it - I don't know how much you will respect/trust them as friends anymore. You may be growing up yourself and leaving some friends behind. Don't worry sometimes in life it happens - new friends are always on the horizon. I hope they turn out to be cool though.How do u deal with friends that r jealous ur dating their x boifriend?
they will get jealous as you are dating whom they hate. So its obvious.
If they were truly your friends they'd be happy for you. They're jealous and rather than find happiness of their own they want to bust you down to their pathetic level. Tell them that if they don't like it they can **** off.
I had a friend that dated almost all of my exboyfriends, but i didn't care because i had dumbed them. Then when she dumbed her long time boyfriend to date his best friend she tried setting me up with her ex. I told her that I didn't want to, but when she handed me the phone and he asked me on a double date with them I didn't want to be rude. After we went out he asked me to be his girlfriend. I thought I would give it a try and ended up dumping him a week later after making out with a guy I really wanted to date. Long story short (too late) she told our other best friend that I had betrayed her and that I was supposed t tell him no, when she was the one who pushed him on me. She ended up being a jerk and I nolonger talk to her. Her loss, because I'm a pretty loyal friend if you're good to me. Even since our break up, I'll go to my grave with some of her ugliest secrets. They're not mine to tell.
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