Monday, August 16, 2010

Really,whats my friends deal?

i have this guy friend,strickly a platonic friend of mine.Anyway he and i just reconected about 3 months ago and ever since hes been really anxious to meet up and hang out with me.i,ve been putting him off because i hear from him once or twice a month and to me thats not being a friend.the other night he called me and actually said he would come see me all the time ,Now how can he make a statement like that but yet he doesnt even call me all the time.does this make any sense to you guys? cuz im confused! i need your thoughts.Really,whats my friends deal?
i don't know the whole story, so i'll leave you with some questions:

is he the type that calls people period? maybe he is more into hanging out than phone conversations.

has he been very busy in the past and is now free?

did he not have a car before and now does?

did you enjoy his company before?

do you expect him to call you more if you put him off?

if you still want to be friends with him, just let him know when you'd like to see him, for instance, tell him you are free to do stuff on tuesdays, but it may not be every tuesday. let him know if you don't feel like going (give an excuse if you want) early enough so you don't stand him up.

good luck.

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